Ihre ergebenste Fräulein
73 Min
D 2024, Original mit Engl. Untertiteln
Uraufführung Forum, Berlinale Feb. 2024
Verleih arsenal distribution
Sprecher*innen Elisabeth Gugel, Jochen Nix
Darstellerinnen Annemie Nöh, Tosca Arnold, Marlene Wege, Dana Ivanisi, Karlotta Hilb, Matilda Niemann, Johanna Weber, Rosa Zillich, Kathrin Toepffer, Aurelia Natalini
Kamera Lisa C. Heldmann, Vita Spieß
Ton Michel Klöfkorn
Textbearbeitung Christiana Habich
Supervision Renate Merck
Subtitles Josef Åkerbrand
Sound & Komposition Hubert Machnick
Regie, Kamera, Schnitt Eva C. Heldmann
Beratung Dennis Couzin, Elisabeth Gugel, Helmut Blecher, Dieter Reifarth, Volkmar Nix
Well Ordered Nature (engl. title)
An essay film of unusual form. It is primarily text, from the late 18th century, read by two voices, with accompaniment by images and music of today. The text flows back and forth between officialesque public pronouncements and the private writings of one woman. A new class of bureaucrats has emerged, busy at social-engineering many, perhaps too many, aspects of life: beggars and the poor, outsider Jews, "gypsies", dancing, medicines, etc. The woman, Catharina Helena Dörrien, on the one hand, serves that new class, educating their children. On the other hand she is an inspired artist and amateur scientist, her own person. The film plays out this collision of two contrary voices. There is also some harmony, for it was the bureaucratic class's hyper-rationality that allowed it to recognize Dörrien's talent and to support it even through her retirement. She became a dedicate of Linnaeus and an honorary member of the botanical societies in Florence, Berlin, and Regensburg. The spirit of the Enlightenment blows through this strictly constructed essay film.